Living in Shuztung

Shuz Tung Machinery Industrial has won considerable trust and support from domestic and international major companies from semiconductor, flat panel display processes, intelligent medical imaging, turnkey planning for bicycles, and parts processing of automobiles, scooters, and variety of industries.

Xmas Activity: Xmas Activity

Living in Shuztung

Happy Workplace

Shuztung adheres to the leadership principle of knowing and utilizing talents, actively cultivating talents in various professional fields, and providing comprehensive assistance in both living and working aspects of personnel management.

Happy Workplace: Shuztung Machinery values the balance between employees' work and physical and mental development, advocates the importance of work and leisure, and plans a diversified range of activities throughout the year to encourage employee participation. These activities serve to relieve work stress and fatigue, develop physical and mental health, and cultivate artistic and cultural literacy, thereby enabling Shuztung's employees to enjoy their work and life as tech-savvy individuals.

Employee Care Group and Diverse Labor-Management Communication

We have established an Employee Care Group and communication channels to provide our employees with care and support in areas such as physical and mental health, family, workplace adaptation, and stress. Our Employee Care Group also offers counseling services and channels for employees to express their opinions and receive assistance. Regular care meetings are held monthly to provide timely assistance to employees and create a win-win relationship between labor and management. We provide care services for employees with five hearts - care, love, enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, and patience.

Employee Care Group Multiple Channels of Labor-Management Communication

Quality Workplace Environment and Compensation and Benefits Measures

alent is the most important asset of our company. We provide a high-quality working environment and competitive compensation and benefits package, and we value the health and vitality of our employees by offering various insurance programs and planning for retirement.

Quality Workplace Environment and Compensation and Benefits Measures

Employee Stock Ownership Trust

Establishing an "Employee Stock Trustee Committee", employees can voluntarily participate by self-determining the monthly amount to be deducted from their salary and transferred to the stock trust, with the company contributing a proportional incentive bonus. The funds are regularly deposited into a "bank trust property account", and shares of the company's stock are purchased at a relatively favorable price. The trust stocks are distributed monthly according to the proportion of employee contributions, and upon completion of the agreed-upon service period or retirement conditions, employees may apply to receive all trust property stocks and cash.

employee stock ownership employee stock ownership trust process

Working Environment at Houli Plant

Work-life balance

Employee Welfare Committee and various activities